Ιατρικός Βελονισμός
Ιατρικός βελονισμός ως υποστηρικτική θεραπεία
Απαραίτητη σε πονοκεφάλους και αυχενικά σύνδρομα. Η Δρ. Εύα Α. Δουβάρα είναι πτυχιούχος ΙΑΤΡΙΚΟΥ ΒΕΛΟΝΙΣΜΟΥ από το I.C.M.A.R.T.
I.C.M.A.R.T. International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques
ICMART is an international non-profit organization, registered in Brussels.
ICMART was founded 1983 in Vienna/Austria.
ICMART is the only umbrella organization which represents Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques worldwide.
ICMART is the leading international organization for Medical Acupuncture.
ICMART is representing a global network.
ICMART comprises about 80 Medical Acupuncture associations and colleges worldwide.
ICMART represents over 35,000 physicians practising acupuncture and related techniques.
ICMART promotes the concept of evidence-based medicine regarding efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness in acupuncture and related techniques.
ICMART has chapters for special tasks.
Since 1983, more than 20 World Congresses or International Symposia have been under the direct patronage of ICMART.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επικοινωνήστε με τη Δρ Εύα Α. Δουβάρα.
Τηλ: 210 7224224 - Κιν: 6932 486648
ICMART Congress 2011 The Hague, The Netherlands
Overview Abstracts
Acupuncture is a key component in pain management results of 10 years
The role of acupuncture in pain management
Acupuncture for acute non-specific low back pain: a randomized, controlled,
Evidenced based medical acupuncture in back pain
The Very-Point-Technique in chronic pain
Diffuse noxious inhibitory control (dnic) of Le Bars
Investigation on the origin of far field short latency potentials evoked from
Can acupoints have an additional convergent effect?
Post-traumatic stress disorders – an integrative east-west psychosomatic approach
Acupuncture and psychotherapy in phobic disorders
A randomized study comparing one session with two sessions of noninvasive
Complex „pine”- acupuncture as an effective part of multimodal pain
Successful application of acupuncture in emergency medicine – new case reports
Acupuncture pain treatment in horses
Chinese Herbal Therapy – is it risky?
Report on the second plenary meeting of ISO/TC 249
Plants, health and (un)belief
Clinical observation of acupuncture and moxibustion, combining Chinese
TCM-phytotherapy for menopausal symptoms: a 3-arm Dutch randomized
Acupuncture for persistent moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Acupuncture clinical trials: a systematic literature review
Can OPC (Objective Performance Criteria) used in FDA approval for medical
Thermal properties of warm needle acupuncture and its meaning to heat
Cerebral circulation and Korean Hand Acupuncture therapy
Evidence based Korean Hand Acupuncture
The effects of so-called “forbidden acupuncture points” in the pregnancy’s
Pathophysiology expressed in advanced auricular therapy
New discovered auricular reflex-point of the ciliospinal center in addiction
Investigation of human biofield with a polarizing filter in auriculomedicine
Auricular acupuncture for the treatment of pain
Paraplegia and acupunctural signal
Treatment of movement disorders, by way of acupuncture therapy combined
Retinitis pigmentosa treatment
Acupuncture healing in dermatology: an experimental study with rats
The most effective and efficient acupuncture approaches
Clinical use Of acupuncture In mental health
Similarities and differences between physician acupuncturists and nonphysician
Chronoacupuncture in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia
Chronic fatigue - is acupuncture enough?
Dietary treatment in headache of schoolchildren
food as medicine
Comparison of effects of press-needle acupuncture, moxibustion, qigong
New floatable acupuncture needle for the treatment of pain and stroke
Interstitial laserneedle acupuncture – a new option for difficult pain syndromes
Threats for acupuncture, answers to perceived threats
Depressive states: is it possible to predict side-effects of anti-depressants
Danger by acupuncture in ophthalmologic diseases
Thermographic measurement of the skin temperature in the application of
Misunderstandings and errors of traditional acupuncture
Practice of Sa-Ahm (Korean) five element acupuncture of classical qi model
Types of acupuncture, an attend of classification
The mind-body concept of Tibetan medicine using the example of the theory of
Facts for the future: PTNS (Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation) and its
Laser acupuncture treatment relieving or controlling gynaecological problems
Effect of Laserpuncture for autism spectrum disorder in children
Acupuncture point localization varies clearly between acupuncturists
Acupuncture-physiology-anatomy correlation
Knowledge of anatomy is a big plus
Mapping of the outline of normal internal organs & cancer tissue as well as
Fractal analysis in studies on aging in an animal model: the nematode
I dentification of different phases of electrical activity by fractal analysis of
Fractal eeg comparison of gastritis treated by concha cymba and lobular points
The scientific background of Neural Therapy
Neural therapy for acupuncture non responders
Neural therapy in the oncology
Treatment pathways for acute and chronic pain cases in a private
Acupuncture related techniques: beyond acupuncture for pain amelioration
“Bi-syndrome” cured by Chinese electroacupuncture
Specific reduction of number and intensity of Neck Reflex Points (NRPs) as
A study of the Sa-Ahm (Korean) five element acupuncture theory and clinic
Stressors, qi and sexual energy
The direction of acupuncture in the coming 10 years in research and practice
Overview of future directions for basic research in acupuncture
Electroacupuncture for Parkinson disease: a Parkinson model of rat study
Decreasing uterine artery blood flow with electroacupuncture in humans
Migraine treatment follow-up: possibility of predictions with fractal EE G study
Influence of neural therapy on the autonomic nervous system, measured by
Patients with clinical/radiological hyperplasia of mammary glands show
Acupuncture treatment for refractary post-traumatic pain in adults
Is the treatment of general anxiety by acupuncture beneficial for other
Agriculture and supply secretary acupuncture ambulatory between 2001-
ICMART International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related
CAMDOC Alliance
Current situation of CAM in Europe and development of a roadmap for
CAM in Switzerland - a story of success
Will acupuncture be part of evidence based recommendations by 2020?
The Certificate Program in Medical Acupuncture (C.P.M.A.)
Acupuncture: education and training for medical students
Different ways of teaching acupuncture in the world
ICMART Congress 2006, Washington, USA
Overview Abstracts
Acupuncture in the management of migraine
Clinical comparison of aroma acupuncture and normal acupuncture for chronic headache patients
Case report: a case of cluster headache
Medical apprehension mechanism of deep acupuncture for treatments of knee pain
Amputation, pain caused by neuromas and acupuncture
Clinical quantification in biomedical acupuncture for pain management
Trigger points and acupuncture points: anatomic & clinical correlations
Preventive effect of acupuncture on skin reaction and emotional perception of histamine-induced itch
Treatment with acupuncture of a testicular chronic pain according the principles of the chinese traditional medicine.
The DAGFA research program: outline and results of 10 years of stimulating and sponsoring acupuncture research
The evaluation of complementary medicine in Switzerland
The assessment of appropriateness of acupuncture methodology based on STRICTA recommendations
Synergism of acupuncture and myoskeletal manual lymphodrainage in odontovertebral problems
Irritable bowl syndrome
Disturbance field temporomandibular joint
Reflectory illness signs in gynaecology
New approaches on unexplained infertility cases
Zang-fu in a nut-shell: a clinical chinese synopsis
Possibility of treating spinal cord injured (SCI) patients by applying soft laser and extra low pulsating electromagnetic field (DPEMF)
Short-time effects of laserneedle acupuncture on the peripheral microcirculation
The positive effect of gold rod implantation on cervical osteoarthritis.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation need neural therapy!
Low level IR Laser acupuncture/therapy– the high energy regulatory treatment
Acupuncture biostimulation in cows
Acupuncture treatment of low back pain
First aid and the complex therapy of burn trauma acupuncture and myoskeletal manual lymphatic drainage
Acupuncture for neck disorders: a systematic review
Acupuncture in pain treatment- a psychophysiological approach
Further preliminary clinical studies in the treatment with acupuncture of spermatogenesis deficiencies in male infertility
Biological laser therapy: painless laser needle acupuncture and intravenous laser blood treatment with green, red and infrared laserlight
Effect of acupuncture on nasal obstruction in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial
Where are the benefits of combining acupuncture and neuraltherapy in treatment of myofascial syndromes
New ways in treatment of cerebral palsy and brain strokes. acupuncture treatment of cerebral palsy with speech disorders
From acupuncture to traditional chinese orthopaedics – a journey from the west.
Acupuncture & bone diseases
Acupuncture for allergies and asthma
Zang-fu in a nut-shell: liver dominating spleen.
Microsystems therapy in functional disorders of E.N.T. and stomatology. scientifically proved acupuncture approaches in sinusitis, vertigo, cranio-cervico-mandibular dysfunctions and orofacial pain
Acupuncture treatment for obesity: a randomized control trial
Cancer patients and acupuncture: a synthesis of 23 years of research
Detoxification treatment process controlled by the MSAS
A pilot study of acupuncture treatment for the osteoarthritis of the knee joint on the EBM (evidence-based medicine)
ICMART Congress 2004, Sydney, Australia
Overview Abstracts
Pain and Symptom Control in Palliative Care: Principles of Treatment and Safety Aspects
Acupuncture and Psychotherapy in Blepharospasm
Acupuncture and dry eyes
The Use of Acupuncture for Pain and Symptom Control in Patients with Breast Cancer
Cochrane review has missed the point with acupuncture and low back pain.
Effects of 830nm laser on cultured rat dorsal root ganglia: implications for its use in acupuncture.
The Effects of 830nm laser on cultured rat dorsal ganglia: Implications for the analgesic effects of laser acupuncture
A Critical Assessment of Functional Ear Points and Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment
Enhancing Clinical Outcomes in Auricular Therapy Phases, Frequencies, Equipment
Acupuncture research: from observation to prediction
The New Laser-Needle-Acupuncture in Clinical Application
Gold-Implantation. A New Method for Treating Chronic Arthritic Pain
The Study on the Analgesic Effect and Its Cholinergic Mechanism of Electroacupuncture In the Rat Model of Collagen-induced Arthritis
16 Stress reduce by dry needling controlling with biophysical method Chunghyul-Dan (Qingxie-Dan) Improves Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Increased baPWV
Effect of Bee Venom Injected Intraarticularly On Knee Osteoarthritis: A Comparative Study with Saline Injection
Nocipathy and Acupuncture: A Pilot Study on Patients with Lower Back Pain
Clinical Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Multiplet Laser Acupoint Needling on Arthralgia and Neuralgia of the Elders with Chronic Problems
The C.H.R.I.S. Theory on the Aetiology and Perpetuation of Back Pain
Acupunctue with extracorporal shockwaves
Arthrosis of the knee, Coxarthrosis, Chron. Lumbalgia Pain of neck and shoulders, Tennis-elbow
The Management of Postural Problems Using Healthmarque Reflex Orthotics
Acupuncture in Oncology Practice
Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis
Presentation of Results of Infrared Camera Use with Acupuncture
Acupuncture of LI-4 in anaesthetised healthy humans decreases cerebral blood flow in putamen measured with PET.
Pain relief of electroacupuncture corresponds with hypothalamic and periaqueductal gray activation – a single-blind placebo controlled fMRI study
Acupuncture Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Speech Disorders
ScalpAcupuncture in the Treatment of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Possibility of Treating Stroke Patients by Applying Soft Laser and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
Symptomatic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Further Studies on the Long-Term Effectiveness of Acupuncture
Increased Cervical Lordosis After Deep Acupuncture in Patients with Neck Pain: Nonrandomized Clinical Control Trial.
“What we do with acupuncture?”
The Effect of Saingheylyunbooemgami Extract to Recover Function of Stratum Coreum Mice Model After Dermatitis Elicitation
Cephalea: Confirmation of the Effectiveness of the Integration Between the Occidental Medicine and the TCM Approaches
The Puzzle of Acupuncture
Discovery of Acupuncture Points and Channels
Acupuncture research: from observation to prediction Anatomic structure analysis of acupuncture points
Acupuncture and Functional Disorders: A Preliminary Approach
Preventative Acupuncture - Antidepressive Acupuncture Therapy Against Pain Chronification.
The Missing Link - Auriculohomoeopathy
Neurocellular Hypoglycia and its Role in Depression and Fatigue
The Use of Tendomuscular Meridian (TMM) Treatment in Primary Care
“Acupuncture Management of Frozen Shoulder – A Pilot Study”
Effects of Myofascial Meridian Stimulation Therapy (MMST) on Shoulder Pain
Acupuncture Treatment for Obesity
Diagnostic and differential diagnostic of pathologic processes stages.
Preventive Acupuncture by Rhinitis Allergies
Endometriosis Abstract
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain using Myofascial Meridian Stimulation Therapy(MMST): A New Concept
Some Somatic Markers of Infertility and Acupuncture Therapy
A Study of Statistical Diagnosis for Ryodoraku (EMI) Measurement
Prevalence of Dental Foci and their Imapct on Chronic Diseases Encountered in 490 Patients
The Clinical Observation on 1 Case of Alopecia Areata with Headache
Para-Chlorophenylalanine selectively interferes with electroacupuncture and moxibustion - induced gastric emptying in rats.
Effect of Moxibustion in the Acupoints Ren-12 (Zhongwan), St-25 (Tianshu) and St-36 (Zuzanli) in the Prevention of Gastric Lesions Induced by Indomethacin in Wistar Rats.
Effects of acupuncture points St-36 (Zusanli) e SP-6 (Sanyinjiao) on the inflammatory post traumatic process of femurs surgery in wistar rats
Chunghyul-Dan (Qingxie-Dan) Improves Arterial Stiffness in Patients with increased baPWV
The Uighurs were amongst the very first people to practise acupuncture. The Chinese learnt from this ancient culture. This is a comprehensive poster presentation to trace the beginnings of acupuncture.
Diagnosis and neural therapy in vertigo
Mechanism of Reversal of Laryngospasm by Median Nerve Stimulation—A Electrophysiological study.